Marc Chagall, Hadassah 2009


Hadassah, Marc Chagall 05

Hadassah, Marc Chagall Exhibition at Jewish Cultural Centre in Sao Paulo, presents  the artists` original drawings  for the stained-glass windows created for the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem. The windows in loco can be seen at the link:

More than 50 original delicate paints on paper  were displayed within large  Plexiglas sheets to keep its view vertically, instead a common a horizontal  display expected for exhibiting paper … in reference to the transparency of the staineg-glass windows.

Hadassah, Marc Chagall 03

Hadassah, Marc Chagall 06

 Hadassah, Marc Chagall 07 Hadassah, Marc Chagall 02